Accommodations and Dining

The official conference lodging will occur in two places:

  • The Hotel at Oberlin, where guests can book a room at a discounted conference rate of $169 per night. This hotel opened in 2016, and is a LEEDS certified environmentally friendly building and is entirely accessible. The hotel is a two-block walk from the Conference venue. Rooms in the hotel must be booked via telephone, and reservations must be made no later than June 24, 2024 to receive the conference rate. The conference rate is available from the nights of July 24 through July 28. To book, please call the hotel at (440) 775-7001 and let them know you are with the NABMSA Conference, with a group ID of 45172. To ensure the conference rate, you must make your booking by Monday, June 24 at 5 pm EST.

  • Dascomb Hall, a recently-renovated dorm with air conditioning, located one block away from the conference venue. The dorm is wholly accessible via ramps and elevators. The dorm may be booked with your conference registration. Rooms are $65 per night for a single room, $55 per person per night for a double room. There is a $35 per person flat-rate fee for linens no matter how many nights you stay. The conference rate is available from the nights of July 24 through July 28. You can register for a dorm room when you register for the conference. To guarantee a room, you must register and choose the dorm option by no later than Monday, July 1.


Additional lodging may be found at other local hotels, bed & breakfasts, and Airbnb rentals; some of these will require a car to get to and from. A complete list of College-certified hotels and bed and breakfasts may be found here: Airbnb’s area accommodations may be found here: Please note that many of the hotels, bed and breakfasts, and Airbnbs aside from the dedicated conference lodging will require you to rent a car.

Dining: Oberlin punches far above its weight in terms of dining options. We have everything from coffee shops to fine dining, with the usual college-town options of pizza, Asian food, Mexican, and diners. Nearly everything is walkable, most restaurants no more than three blocks from the conference venue, and there are options for nearly every budget, and every dietary preference. A complete list of easily available dining will be provided to conference attendees in their welcome packet.